Life is a powerful journey, taking us through challenging experiences.
Either there is depression, anxiety or trauma in your history and you wonder why you’re not getting over it—or your important relationship is so stuck you wonder how it got this way…
Intensely difficult times catalyze our growth.
It’s difficult to heal, and without the push, our relationships don’t repair.
You are the traveler on this meaningful journey and my goal is to make sure you meet the challenge and come out the other side thriving.
FOR COUPLES: Sustaining a loving connection over time is challenging. When relational tensions leave you feeling frustrated, drained and lonely, you’re at a critical point in your relationship. You need to find your way back to the warmth and joy that brought you together, but nothing you’ve tried is working. Don’t give up! I’m here to affirm: you can find your way to a warm, sustainable, joyful bond. There is a map that will lead you out of the tensions and into that connection you rightfully long for Basing our work in Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy, I can help.
FOR INDIVIDUALS: If depression and/or anxiety are sapping your energy, keeping you irritable, and leaving you feeling hopeless or alone, you’re a good fit for the mindfulness-based talk therapy I offer. If you’re haunted by one or more traumatic events, my treatment approach is designed to release you from it’s grip. Sensorimotor Psychotherapy is a gentle, body-mind talk therapy (nationally acclaimed for it’s effectiveness). It speeds recovery from depression, anxiety and overwhelming experiences.
I welcome your call and look forward to speaking with you soon.
Sessions available in Spanish and English.

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